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Servicoff Limited

Great Progress Report From Our Thangatha Farm

Introduction :Great Progress Report From Our Thangatha Farm

Great Progress Report From Our Thangatha Farm with our coffee cherries starting to take shape. High spirits all around and we can’t wait to start producing soon . At Servicoff we ensure we deliver the finest blends of Coffee for exports. Our process;


Converting coffee cherries into quality coffee beans requires extensive and delicate processing. The techniques and methods vary based on several factors including location, climate and even season. With each specific method determining the quality of coffee produced.

We always strive to use the most natural method with the highest proven quality, the least amount of waste and the lowest possible impact on the environment.


The coffee cherry is the fruit of the coffee plant. It’s made up of skin (used in cascara lattes), flesh, and the coffee bean, which is actually a seed. The typical coffee processing method involves removing the cherry skin and flesh, leaving only the coffee bean to be washed, roasted, and brewed.

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