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Introduction : August 2023 Coffee Market Analysis: Arabicas-Robusta Price Recoupling Amid Robust Highs Coffee Market Analysis 1.Global green bean exports in July 2023 totalled 9.31 million bags, as compared with 9.3 million bags in the same month of the previous year, up 0.1%. 2.Green bean exports of the Robustas amounted to 3.59 million bags in July 2023, as compared with 3.22 million bags in July 2022, up 11.6%. 3.World coffee production decreased by 1.4%, year-on-year, to 168.5 million bags in coffee year 2021/22;However, it is expected to bounce back by 1.7% to 171.3million bags in 2022/23.

August 2023 Coffee Market Analysis:

Introduction : August 2023 Coffee Market Analysis: Arabicas-Robusta Price Recoupling Amid Robust Highs

Coffee Market Analysis
1.Global green bean exports in July 2023 totalled 9.31 million bags, as compared with 9.3 million bags in the same month of the previous year, up 0.1%.
2.Green bean exports of the Robustas amounted to 3.59 million bags in July 2023, as compared with 3.22 million bags in July 2022, up 11.6%.
3.World coffee production decreased by 1.4%, year-on-year, to 168.5 million bags in coffee year 2021/22;However, it is expected to bounce back by 1.7% to 171.3million bags in 2022/23.
4.World coffee consumption increased by 4.2% to 175.6 million bags in coffee year 2021/22. It is expected to increase by 1.7% to 178.5 million bags in the year  2022/23.
5.The Robustas remain at a near-record high in August at 124.62 US cents/lb.
6.Exports of all forms of coffee from Africa decreased by 1.1% to 1.37 million bags in July 2023 from 1.39 million bags in July 2022.

(Statistics referenced from: International Coffee Organisation (ICO) August 2023 Coffee Market Report


In the dynamic world of coffee trading, the month of August witnessed an intriguing development as Arabicas and Robusta coffee prices showed signs of recoupling. This shift occurred against the backdrop of Robusta prices remaining at near-record highs, painting an interesting picture for coffee traders and enthusiasts.

Servicoff presents a detailed market analysis of these developments and their implications for the global coffee industry.


Arabicas and Robusta Price Recoupling:

For much of the past few years, the coffee market has seen a divergence in price trends between Arabica and Robusta beans. This divergence was primarily driven by varying supply and demand dynamics, as well as differences in the quality and usage of these two coffee types.

Arabicas, known for their milder flavor profile and higher quality, often commanded higher prices compared to Robustas.

However, in August, we observed a recoupling of these two coffee categories, where Arabica prices showed a notable increase. This shift can be attributed to several key factors:

1. Weather-Related Concerns: Unfavorable weather conditions, including droughts and unseasonal rains, in some Arabica-producing regions raised concerns about potential crop damage and reduced yields. This pushed Arabica prices higher as traders factored in the possibility of a smaller harvest.

2. Supply Chain Disruptions: Ongoing supply chain challenges, including container shortages and logistical issues, continue to impact the coffee trade. These disruptions have affected both Arabica and Robusta supply chains, leading to increased price volatility.

3. Growing Demand for Specialty Coffee: The global demand for specialty coffee, often dominated by Arabicas, remains robust. Consumer preferences for high-quality, single-origin beans have driven up demand and prices for premium Arabica varieties.


Robustas at Near-Record Highs:  

On the Robusta front, prices have remained near record highs. Several factors contribute to this resilience:

1. Reduced Supply: Robusta production has faced various challenges, including adverse weather conditions and lower yields in some key producing regions. This tight supply situation has supported higher price levels.

2. Robusta’s Role in Espresso Blends: Robusta coffee is a crucial component of many espresso blends due to its ability to provide crema and body. The demand for espresso remains strong, further bolstering Robusta prices.

3. Speculative Activity: Increased speculative activity in commodity markets, along with investment flows, has contributed to price momentum in Robusta coffee.


Implications for Servicoff and the Coffee Industry:

As a responsible player in the coffee industry, Servicoff continuously monitors these market dynamics to navigate and adapt to changing conditions.

The recoupling of Arabica and Robusta prices underscores the need for agile supply chain management, risk mitigation strategies, and close monitoring of weather patterns to ensure a consistent supply of high-quality coffee for our customers.

Moreover, the sustained high prices for Robusta reinforce the importance of responsible sourcing and sustainable practices, ensuring that coffee farmers receive fair compensation for their hard work and dedication.

In conclusion, the August coffee market presented a fascinating shift as Arabica and Robusta prices recoupled, driven by a complex interplay of factors.

Servicoff remains committed to delivering the finest coffee to our customers while responsibly navigating the ever-changing landscape of the coffee market.


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