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Servicoff Limited

Growing the Perfect Green Coffee Beans Kenya is renowned for producing some of the finest Green coffee beans in the world. At Servicoff Ltd., we take immense pride in our legacy of excellence in coffee farming and export, dating back to 1969. Our deep-rooted expertise, coupled with a dedicated team of coffee liquorers with over 30 years of experience, ensures that every bean we produce and export meets the highest standards of quality.

Green Coffee Beans Exporter


Green Coffee bean Exporter

We are a leading Green Coffee Beans exporter producing some of the finest Green coffee beans in the world. At Servicoff Ltd., we take immense pride in our legacy of excellence in coffee farming and export, dating back to 1969. Our deep-rooted expertise, coupled with a dedicated team of coffee liquorers with over 30 years of experience, ensures that every bean we produce and export meets the highest standards of quality.

Arabica and Robusta Varieties

Kenya’s diverse climate and rich soils provide the ideal environment for growing both Arabica and Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee, known for its smooth and complex flavor profile, thrives in the high-altitude regions with well-distributed rainfall and rich volcanic soils. Our Robusta coffee, which offers a strong and full-bodied flavor, is cultivated in the lower altitudes where the climate is warmer.

Agronomy Practices

Our agronomy team is at the heart of our coffee growing operations. We employ sustainable farming practices that not only ensure high yields but also protect the environment. This includes:

– Shade Management: We grow our coffee plants under the canopy of shade trees, which helps in maintaining soil moisture and protecting the plants from excessive sunlight.

– Soil Health: Regular soil testing and the application of organic fertilizers maintain soil fertility and structure.

– Pest and Disease Management: We use integrated pest management (IPM) techniques that include biological controls and resistant coffee varieties to minimize the use of chemical pesticides.

Blending and Processing: Crafting the Perfect Cup

Our coffee beans are handpicked to ensure that only the ripest cherries are selected. This meticulous process is crucial in maintaining the quality of our coffee.


At Servicoff Limited after harvesting, our expert blenders work to create unique coffee blends that highlight the distinct characteristics of Kenyan coffee. Whether it’s a single-origin Arabica or a carefully crafted blend of Arabica and Robusta, each batch is designed to provide a unique and memorable coffee experience.

Processing Methods

We use both wet and dry processing methods to prepare our coffee beans for export:

– Wet Processing (Washed Coffee): At Servicoff Limited our method involves removing the pulp from the cherries and fermenting the beans to eliminate the mucilage. The beans are then washed and dried. This process enhances the bright acidity and complex flavors of our Arabica coffee.

– Dry Processing (Natural Coffee): We ensure, the entire cherry is dried in the sun before the outer layers are removed. This method is predominantly used for Robusta coffee and results in a heavier body and more intense flavor.

Cupping: Ensuring Quality in Every Bean

At Servicoff Ltd., we understand that cupping is a critical step in maintaining the quality of our coffee. Our team of seasoned coffee liquorers, with over three decades of experience, conducts rigorous cupping sessions to evaluate the aroma, flavor, body, and acidity of our coffee.

Cupping Process

– Preparation: Coffee samples are roasted and ground to specific standards.

– Evaluation: The grounds are steeped in hot water, and our experts assess the fragrance, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, sweetness, uniformity, and cleanliness.

– Quality Control: Only the batches that meet our stringent quality criteria are approved for export.

Export: Bringing Kenyan Coffee to the World
Logistics and Shipping

Once the coffee beans pass our quality tests, they are packed in specially designed bags that preserve their freshness during transit. We have established robust logistics networks that ensure our coffee reaches its destination promptly and in perfect condition.

Global Reach

Servicoff Ltd. exports its premium coffee to various parts of the world, where it is highly sought after by roasters and coffee enthusiasts. Our commitment to quality and sustainability has earned us a reputation as a leading exporter of Kenyan coffee.


Altogether, at Servicoff Ltd., our journey from seed to cup is a testament to our unwavering dedication to quality, sustainability, and excellence. With over five decades of experience in coffee farming and a team of experts who are passionate about their craft, we continue to bring the rich and vibrant flavors of  Kenyans Green coffee beans to the global market.

Servicoff, your Leading Green Coffee Beans Exporter.

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