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Kenya Coffee Grades Ranked


Coffee lovers around the world appreciate the rich flavors and unique characteristics of Kenyan coffee. Renowned for its distinct acidity, full body, and vibrant flavors, Kenyan coffee has established itself as one of the finest coffee origins in the world. However, not all Kenyan coffees are created equal. Kenya employs a grading system that classifies its coffees based on quality and distinct attributes. In this blog post, we will explore the top-ranked Kenya coffee grades, ranging from the best to the least.

1. Kenya AA:

At the top of the hierarchy is Kenya AA, widely regarded as the crème de la crème of Kenyan coffees. The “AA” refers to the bean size, indicating larger and more meticulously sorted beans. Known for its exceptional flavor, vibrant acidity, and intense aroma, Kenya AA exhibits a delightful combination of fruity and wine-like notes, often accompanied by floral undertones. Its well-balanced body and pronounced complexity make it a favorite among coffee connoisseurs.

2. Kenya AB:

Slightly smaller in size than Kenya AA, Kenya AB beans are also highly esteemed within the Kenyan grading system. Offering a similar profile to Kenya AA, AB coffees possess a distinctive brightness and lively acidity. With a medium to full body, they deliver a well-rounded taste characterized by juicy berry flavors and a hint of citrus. Kenya AB coffees are widely available and showcase the essence of Kenyan coffee without the premium price tag.

3. Kenya PB:

Kenya Peaberry, also known as Kenya PB, stands out due to its unique shape. Peaberries are coffee cherries that produce a single, rounded bean instead of the usual two halves. These beans are carefully selected during processing and often display enhanced flavor characteristics. Kenya PB exhibits a concentrated and intense taste profile, featuring bright acidity, citrus notes, and a distinctive sweetness. While not as widely available as Kenya AA and AB, the Peaberry variety offers an intriguing option for coffee enthusiasts seeking a distinct experience.

4. Kenya C:

Kenya C grade represents a lower-tier category within the Kenyan coffee grading system. These beans are smaller in size and often contain defects or irregularities that result in a slightly diminished cup quality. Nonetheless, Kenya C coffees can still deliver a decent flavor profile with notable acidity, fruity notes, and a medium body. They are typically more affordable compared to the higher-grade options, making them an accessible choice for those on a tighter budget.

5. Kenya TT:

The Kenya TT grade represents the lowest category in the Kenyan grading system. TT stands for “Tough-Taste,” indicating that these beans exhibit an unremarkable flavor profile compared to higher-grade coffees. Kenya TT is typically a blend of smaller, lower-quality beans and coffee fragments that do not meet the standards of higher grades. While it may lack the refined characteristics of other grades, Kenya TT can still offer a decent cup of coffee, albeit with less complexity and a milder flavor profile.


When it comes to exceptional African coffees, Kenya stands out as a top producer renowned for its rigorous grading system. From the highly coveted Kenya AA and AB to the unique Kenya PB and the more affordable Kenya C, the range of coffee grades provides options for varying preferences and budgets. Regardless of the grade, Kenyan coffee as a whole embodies a vibrant flavor profile, bold acidity, and a distinctive character that has captured the hearts of coffee lovers worldwide. So, whether you’re savoring a cup of Kenya AA or exploring the intriguing Peaberry variety, Kenya coffee grades offer a delightful journey through the diverse and remarkable world of Kenyan coffee.

Image Source Reference :Padre Coffee

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