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Our Farms

Bean to Mug

The best coffee grows and flourishes on rich volcanic soils, found within the highlands and estimated between 1400 to 2000 meters above sea level. The best coffee also does well under temperatures of 14 to 26°C.

Sustainable Farming Practice

At Servicoff Limited, we emphasise on sustainable farming practices, that conserve the environment and give back to the community by providing employment and economic empowerment.

The Perfect Environment

The Seedling Section

Through continuous research and development we are able to perfect our coffee varieties to maximise on yield and remain disease resistance. As a result of sporadic weather conditions brought about via climate change, it is necessary for our varieties to be drought resistant.

Plant Nutrients

Minimum use of fertilizer is applied on our farms. Pulp from processed coffee is recycled and applied as a mulch, the net effect of which, is improved moisture retention in the soil and renewed soil nutrients and fertility.

Plant Health Rejuvination

Plant Renewal

The productive life of an Arabica coffee plant is 60 to 70 years. In order for the bush to remain productive for its complete duration, it requires careful tending and nurturing. Pruning is an important part of this process, as it not only affects the quantity of coffee, but allows renewal of the plant.

Timing is everything

The timing and method of this process are also a major factor and can negatively affect production if not done properly. Once removed from the branches the stems are stripped of their leaves which are then recycled as compost and the stems act as a valuable source of renewable fuel.

Pest & Disease Control

Reducing the Impact

Coffee is generally susceptible to disease and pests. This makes use of insecticides and fungicides an integral part of the growing process. However, we are conscious of the impact  this has to the environment. Therefore, in order to reduce the impact on the environment, we grow disease resistant varieties that require less use of chemical sprays and also rely more on systemic and organic pest and disease control methods.

Bringing in the harvest

Harvesting Season

There are two harvesting seasons in a year, these are preceded by the rainy seasons and dependant on whether you are on the lee-ward side of the Mount Kenya or not. Harvesting takes place either in June/September, though the main season would be November to March of the following year.

Farm Production

Coffee Cherry is very sensitive after picking and deterioration begins immediately it has been picked. The sugars in the coffee bean, begin to be converted to starches right away and ultimately leading to fermentation. It is therefore important, to start pulping process within hours, so as to ensure that the raw product does not ferment.

The Best from the Good

The secret to our quality is sorting. Only the best and finest beans that meet our quality approval, shall make it into a Servicoff export bag. To ensure that these standards are maintained at all times, our coffee goes through multiple stages of sorting, starting from when the coffee is picked and hand sorted to ensure only ripe, red cherries make it to the cherry pulper and drying beds.