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Servicoff Limited

The Triple Ferment Process and Green Coffee Grading

Introduction:Unlocking the Magic: The Triple Ferment Process and Green Coffee Grading by Servicoff Limited

In the world of specialty coffee, quality is paramount. From the moment a coffee cherry is plucked from the tree until it reaches your cup, a series of intricate processes and assessments shape the final product.

At Servicoff Limited, we consider ourselves as  a leading pioneer in the coffee industry, through revolutionising the art of coffee production through our innovative Triple Ferment Process and meticulous Green Coffee Grading system. In this blog post, we will delve into these remarkable techniques that elevate the coffee experience to new heights.


Part 1: The Triple Ferment Process

At the heart of Servicoff Limited’s dedication to exceptional coffee lies the Triple Ferment Process. Unlike traditional fermentation, which involves a single round of fermentation, this method incorporates three distinct stages, each contributing to the flavor complexity and profile of the coffee.

  1. Cherry Fermentation: The journey begins with handpicked, ripe coffee cherries. These cherries are carefully sorted, ensuring only the finest selection makes it to the next stage. They are then placed in fermentation tanks for the first round of fermentation. During this phase, enzymes naturally present in the cherries break down the mucilage, resulting in the development of unique flavors.
  2. Parchment Fermentation: Following the cherry fermentation, the coffee beans are separated from the cherry and undergo a second fermentation phase. This time, the parchment layer surrounding the beans is the focal point. The combination of time, temperature, and controlled aeration during this stage allows for the beans to acquire distinctive characteristics, further enhancing the final cup profile.
  3. Dry Fermentation: Finally, the coffee beans undergo the third and last fermentation stage known as dry fermentation. During this crucial step, the beans are spread out in a controlled environment and left to ferment naturally. This extended fermentation period allows for additional flavors to develop, creating a remarkable taste profile that is truly unique to Servicoff Limited’s coffee.
Part 2: Green Coffee Grading


While the Triple Ferment Process lays the foundation for exceptional coffee, the quality control and grading system employed by Servicoff Limited ensure that only the finest beans make it to the market. The Green Coffee Grading process involves a comprehensive evaluation of various attributes, resulting in the categorization of coffee beans into distinct grades.

  1. Size and Density: Beans are meticulously sorted by size and density to ensure uniformity in the final product. This step guarantees an even roast and optimal extraction during brewing.
  2. Moisture Content: Moisture content is carefully measured to prevent mold or damage during storage and transportation. Beans with the ideal moisture content ensure longevity and freshness.
  3. Defect Sorting: Skilled professionals meticulously examine each bean for defects such as insect damage, underdeveloped or overripe beans, and other imperfections. This process guarantees that only beans of the highest quality are selected.
  4. Cupping and Flavor Profiling: Expert cuppers conduct sensory evaluations to assess the aroma, acidity, body, and overall flavor profile of the coffee. This step allows for accurate grading and ensures consistency in every cup.



Servicoff Limited’s commitment to excellence is exemplified through its innovative Triple Ferment Process and rigorous Green Coffee Grading system. By embracing these techniques, coffee lovers can indulge in a truly exceptional sensory experience.




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