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Servicoff Limited

Understanding direct trade in the coffee industry: a closer look at how it ensures quality, fair pricing, and sustainability from farm to cup.

Elevating Coffee Excellence with Washed Kenya Arabica AA

The Washed Process Unveiled:

At the heart of our Washed Kenya Arabica AA coffee lies a process that combines artistry and precision.In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the “washed” processing method and explore the unmatched value it adds to Servicoff and our global export market.

1.Selective Harvesting: It all starts with the careful selection of only the ripest coffee cherries. Our dedicated pickers painstakingly hand-select the cherries, ensuring that only the finest specimens make their way to the processing stage. This meticulous harvesting sets the foundation for the exceptional quality of our coffee.


2.Pulping:The next step involves removing the outer skin of the cherries to reveal the coffee beans, also known as seeds. This process is carried out with precision to avoid damaging the beans and to preserve their inherent flavors.


3.Fermentation: The beans, now covered in a layer of mucilage, undergo a controlled fermentation process. This stage is a crucial moment for flavor development and is closely monitored to achieve the desired taste profile. The duration of fermentation can vary, but it typically lasts between 12 to 24 hours.


4.Washing: The hallmark of the “washed” process is the thorough washing of the beans in pristine water. This step serves two essential purposes: it removes any remaining mucilage and arrests the fermentation process. The result is a clean, bright, and vibrant flavor profile that characterizes our coffee.


5.Drying: Following the washing stage, the beans are carefully dried. This can be done by spreading them out in the sun or using advanced mechanical dryers. Proper drying is essential to maintain the coffee’s unique flavor characteristics.


6.Milling and Sorting: After drying, the beans are milled to remove the parchment layer and any remaining impurities. Our meticulous sorting process ensures that only the highest-quality beans make the cut.


The Value Added:

So, what value does this intricate process add to Servicoff and our exports?


Exceptional Flavor Profile:  The washed process is what imparts our Washed Kenya Arabica AA coffee with its signature traits—vibrant acidity, wine-like notes, and a complex flavor profile that tantalizes the palate. It’s a coffee that stands head and shoulders above the rest, making it a prized gem in our portfolio.


Global Reputation: Servicoff Ltd has garnered a stellar reputation in the global export market, and our Washed Kenya Arabica AA coffee is a major contributor to that acclaim. Discerning buyers worldwide seek out our coffee for its consistent excellence and unique flavor.


Premium Positioning: The outstanding quality of our coffee allows us to command premium prices in the export market, benefiting both us as producers and our valued partners.


Consistency and Reliability: Whether you’re a coffee lover sipping a cup in a café or an international buyer looking for excellence, you can rely on the unwavering quality of Servicoff’s coffee. Our stringent quality control measures ensure that every batch meets the highest standards.

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