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Servicoff Limited

Introduction:Arabica Coffee: The Captivating Journey from Bean to Brew   Coffee lovers around the world are often captivated by the rich aroma and exquisite flavor of their morning cup. Among the various coffee species, Arabica coffee holds a special place as the crown jewel of the coffee kingdom. Renowned for its delicate taste, complex flavor profiles, and enticing aromas, Arabica has become the most widely consumed and esteemed coffee species globally.

Why Choose Our Coffee

Introduction: Why Choose Our Coffee

At Servicoff Limited, we emphasise on sustainable farming practices, that conserve the environment and give back to the community by providing employment and economic empowerment.

  1. The secret to our quality is sorting: Only the best and finest beans that meet our quality approval, shall make it into a Servicoff export bag. To ensure that these standards are maintained at all times, our coffee goes through multiple stages of sorting, starting from when the coffee is picked and hand sorted to ensure only ripe, red cherries make it to the cherry pulper and drying beds.
  2. Through continuous research and development: we are able to perfect our coffee varieties to maximise on yield and remain disease resistance. As a result of sporadic weather conditions brought about via climate change, it is necessary for our varieties to be drought resistant.Minimum use of fertilizer is applied on our farms. Pulp from processed coffee is recycled and applied as a mulch, the net effect of which, is improved moisture retention in the soil and renewed soil nutrients and fertility.
  3. Coffee is generally susceptible to disease and pests: This makes use of insecticides and fungicides an integral part of the growing process. However, we are conscious of the impact  this has to the environment. Therefore, in order to reduce the impact on the environment, we grow disease resistant varieties that require less use of chemical sprays and also rely more on systemic and organic pest and disease control methods.

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